PRESENTATION SKILLS COACHING: Judy Delaney, our new associate at the Meta-Pauzé Coaching Alliance
MONTREAL QC, November 8, 2016 – Yvon Chouinard, practice leader at Groupe Pauzé Coaching, is delighted to announce the arrival of Judy Delaney, a new associate of the Metta-Pauzé Coaching Alliance. Ms. Delaney will contribute executive presentation skills coaching to the services of the practice.
Judy Delaney brings over 35 years of experience in presentation coaching and has helped more than 5000 business leaders and professionals become outstanding presenters and influencers.
A graduate of Concordia University with a major in languages, Judy has also earned master certification accreditations in numerous prestigious industry programs and is a certified coach.
She is a seasoned professional in the research and design of training programs in a variety of areas such as business development, presentations, negotiations, conflict resolution, strategic facilitation, and leader and team effectiveness. She has been a key resource in major corporate transition initiatives that have had unparalleled success.
As the founder of Groupexpedia in 2001—a management consulting firm specializing in high performing presenters and leaders—Judy has worked with Canada’s top corporations enabling them to create the right conditions for continued growth by developing high performing teams and superior presenters. Today Judy focuses on presentation skills coaching for executives and workshops for leaders who present to the executive suite.
Audiences are more demanding than ever. That’s why Judy ensures her clients are well prepared and coached with powerful techniques and advanced skills in all aspects of presentations, from strategy to execution.
We welcome Judy to our team and are delighted that, with these new skills in our practice, we now offer truly comprehensive coaching for our clients.
Judy’s services are available in Québec and Ontario, as well as in all the cities where The Global Coaching Partnership—in which the Metta-Pauzé Coaching alliance is a partner—has associates: New York, London, Sydney, Barcelona, Paris and Frankfurt.
To learn more, click here.